lunes, 23 de abril de 2018

Middle Ages


The Middle Ages started with the fall of the Roman Empire and ended with the discovery of America in the 15th century.

Life in the Middle Ages.
About 1.000 years ago, most people were  peasant. They lived in small villages near a castle for protection.

The king and his noblemen  lived in castles. Some noblemen fought in wars and were called knights

Monks and nuns lived in monasteries. They prayed and copied books. 

Merchants and craftsmen lived in medieval cities and sold their products in markets.

People travelled on foot, by horse or by cart. There were rowing boats and sailing boats.

Castles were fortresses of stone, monasteries were large buildings and churches and cathedrals were religious buildings.

martes, 17 de abril de 2018

Ancient History


Ancient History started with the invention of writing and ended with the fall of the Roman Empire.

The Romans built many cities with a square in the centre called forum. Rich people lived in houses called domus and poor people lived in houses called insulae. Rich people had slaves, they were servants.

The Romans built roads made of stone. They travelled on foot, by cart or by horse.They built bridges and aqueducts.

They built theatres for enterteinment, amphitheatres for gladiators fights, circuses for races and temples to pray. They also built public baths.

The Romans spoke Latin.



Prehistory started with the discovery of fire over a million years ago and ended with the invention of writing.

The first human beings.
The first human beings were nomads because they travelled from place to place to find food and shelter. They travelled on foot. They gathered wild plants, caught fish and hunted animals. They lives in huts or caves, in small groups called tribes.

The first farmers.
About 10.000 years ago they became farmers. They stopped moving from place to place and became sedentary.

The first metalworkers.
About 8.000 years ago they started working with metals, they invented the wheel and the sailing boat. They began to trade. 

jueves, 12 de abril de 2018

My timeline

After these introduction to History, I want you to create your own timeline.

Remember that you will start in the year you were born (2008/2009) and finish in 2018.

You have to write at least six events. Here you are some examples:

-I leart to talk/walk/read/write/ride a bike/swim...
-I got a pet
-I went to Disneyland/the beach/London...
-My brother/sister was born
-I started nursery/primary school

You can use any type of paper (colour paper, cardboard), add pictures or drawings, etc.

These are some examples to inspire you:


 Historical Sources




Measuring Time

History Timeline